
  1. 1. 記錄安裝octopress與Github Page的過程
    1. 1.1. Install Git
    2. 1.2. Update brew
    3. 1.3. Install RVM
    4. 1.4. Install Ruby
    5. 1.5. Setup Octopress
    6. 1.6. Write Something
    7. 1.7. Deploy to Github
    8. 1.8. Preview before deploy
    9. 1.9. Themes
    10. 1.10. Reference
      1. 1.10.1. Octopress
      2. 1.10.2. Github Pages
      3. 1.10.3. Markdown
      4. 1.10.4. Change Themes

記錄安裝octopressGithub Page的過程

Install Git

Install Git

Update brew

sudo chown -R $USER:admin /usr/local
brew update

Install RVM

curl -L | bash -s stable —ruby

Install Ruby

Check version ruby --version is 2.1.2 or greater.

rvm install 2.1.2
rvm use 2.1.2

Setup Octopress

git clone git:// octopress
cd octopress

gem install bundler
bundle install
rake install

Write Something

  • Create article
    rake new_post["title"]
  • Check source\_posts and edit the article.

Deploy to Github

rake setup_github_pages
rake generate
rake deploy

Preview before deploy

rake preview


cd octopress
git submodule add GIT_URL .themes/THEME_NAME
rake install['THEME_NAME']
rake generate



Github Pages


Change Themes